Qi Gong Teacher & President, Tibetan Qi Gong Napa Valley

Paul is a native of England who has been based in Northern California for over 30 years. His life has been filled with the unending journey to balance his heart, soul, and energy seeking a happy, healthy, and giving life, a life devoted to helping others. Since a young man, he sought to understand the power of Qi. With the help of a Tamara Samsa, he was introduced to Kay Luthi, a 30-year Qi Gong practitioner who in turn trained with Master Zi Sheng Wang for ten years. A very experienced Tibetan Qi Gong practitioner, Paul trained continuously with Kay Luthi and other leading senior Tibetan Qi Gong masters over a period of six years to become a teacher. Paul holds regular classes in the basic Qi Gong forms, he also leads multiple practice groups weekly and is President of the Center for Tibetan Qi Gong Napa Valley.